Sustainability according to Pantamera
Returpack's sustainability work is based on the vision of contributing to a sustainable society through the world's best deposit system. Sustainability issues permeate in a natural way all parts of our business, where active responsibility for people, the environment and society guides us daily in our decisions. Five focus areas form the basis for our sustainability work; recycling, climate & environment, business relationships, employees and society.
Sustainable material recycling - at all levels
Our big challenge and the goal with the entire deposit sytem, is to get the Swedish people to deposit more. Our sight is set to 90 percent depositing. And the Swedes are good at depositing. Over 88 percent of the deposit packaging sold is deposited. Our aim has always been to utilize the cans and bottles we collect in the most resource-efficient and sustainable way possible, and today we have developed into an efficient material recycling company.
Sustainable and cost-effective supply chains
Returpack depend on a number of different suppliers to make the deposit system work. The suppliers are thus an extension of our own operations, which means that sustainable and cost-effective supply chains are a prerequisite for us to be able to jointly contribute to sustainable development. Returpack's code of conduct for suppliers conveys the demands we place on ourselves, our suppliers and their subcontractors regarding work and human rights, health and safety, the environment and business ethics.
Systematic environmental work
The environmental work is conducted systematically with the support of the certified environmental management system based on the requirements of ISO 14001. One of the key words is continuous improvement, which means that we evaluate and improve our working methods and methods continuously.
Fossil-free transport by 2025
We are one of the companies that have accepted the Fossil-Free Sweden Transport Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to only carry out and buy fossil-free domestic transport by 2030. We want to pursue this work faster than that, which is why we have declared that we will meet the challenge by 2025.
Zero climate emissions by 2030
We have now also accepted the challenge of reducing our climate emissions to zero by 2030. This applies to all three scopes (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3) according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG protocol). The heavy areas to work with are our energy use and our transports. Read more about our challenges at Fossil-Free Sweden.